Client Situation
As part of an ongoing benefit assessment procedure, our client requested support for the oral hearing. Two of the four members of our client’s delegation had never before taken part in a hearing at the G-BA.
Our Solution
We thoroughly prepared our client’s delegation for the hearing. First of all, we analysed the dossier and the IQWiG benefit assessment, but also comparable benefit assessment procedures, in order to identify the topics that we expected to be controversially discussed in the hearing. We then presented these topics to our client and compiled a question and answer catalogue. We also assisted our client in writing the introductory statement. The day before the hearing, we conducted a simulation of the hearing with the entire delegation as part of an all-day workshop in Berlin. We explained the hearing procedure in detail, developed a series of key messages together with the client and simulated the entire hearing with the delegation. For this purpose, we had devised a dramaturgy in advance so as to make the conditions appear as realistic as possible.
Client Benefit
Our client’s delegation went to the hearing well prepared. Some of the issues we included in the simulation were indeed raised in the hearing. Thanks to our simulation, our client was able to give competent answers and the members of the delegation said that thanks to our support the hearing was »not as bad as expected«.